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While sustainable travel is sometimes generalized as ecotourism, there are many aspects involved and ecotourism represents only one area.


Economic Sustainability – by purchasing local products and using local services, promoting growth the local community and economy. Sustainable tourism strives to involve the locals in the tourism industry so the economic and financial gain stays within the community


Ethical and Social sustainability – this aspect focuses on preventing the exploitation of one group or members of the society for the financial gain of another, and dealing with the distribution of the profits made from tourism in that community. Attention is paid to increasing opportunities for all members of the local community. 

Culturally Aware Travel - the respect for the areas customs and cultures, to try to understand and immerse yourself in the local way of life, and at same time to share your culture with the locals, this exchange helps to promote tolerance around the world. Authentic experiences that enrich travelers life can create lifetime memories when taking part in a cultural tradition with locals.

Ecotravel, ecotourism or green travel is what people think of most often in regard to their “footprint” or impact on the earth and the destination they are visiting.  The importance and significance of preserving wildlife and land and conserving area’s natural resources, extend to all locations, even in cities and local attractions is monumental.


Sustainability Built From Within - We here at Sustainable Travel Company are committed to support a travel experience for our clients that preserves natural and cultural environments and benefits local communities to contribute to a more ecological- and economical- minded tourism that maintains cultural integrity in the long-term and keeps our environment safe.  After allthe survival of our earth , the natural resources, all the vast and wonderful cultures and societies and wildlife,   is a responsibility for each and every one of us to be committed to, so  our next generation of kids and grandkids are able to experience and enjoy as well.



How Are We Sustainable? 

Vision meets passion, meets execution:

Our vision of “sustainable travel” is to live and experience travel by helping to harmonize with not only nature but the surrounding local communities.

It is an ideal of trying to make a positive impact on the society, economy and environment of the travel destination and a key aspect of that is the respect for the people who call that location home. 

We believe sustainability starts in your own backyard as well as globally. Any one person can make a difference - which is why we start by giving back to our local communities and small businesses here in Portland, Oregon as well as internationally.

We practice what we preach:

1. We support green travel, our preferred vendors are environmentally conscious and have the same vision of giving back to nature and their communities 

2. Whenever it is possible we work with small, local vendors in the destination to support the local communities, culture and businesses

3. We promote and encourage our clients to donate carbon offsets to minimize each traveler’s carbon footprint across the globe

Our office particiaptes in the following initaives:


  • We use recycled paper and print double sided

  • We optimized the use of natural light and ventilation and implemented energy saving lamps 

  • We recycle everything from paper to ink cartridges to 

  • Eco-friendly cleaning products

  • Energy efficient lights and equipment

  • No plastic or paper utensils/plates used

  • Source locally

  • Car share rides

  • Reduce printed materials

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